By fadhil
XP System:
Near the bottom of your screen is an orange bar. This is the XP bar. When it fills up completely, you can click an XP skill from the bottom right and use it for a period of time by right-clicking. The available XP skills are:
Cleave = Deals powerful damage to one unit. Can be bought in Cronus and learned at level 4. It is the only skill warriors can learn on their own.
Berserker = Deals great damage to multiple units. Must be level 30 to use. Can be bought at ElvenCity.
StarSword = Strongest warrior XP skill. Does massive damage to multiple units. Must be level 60 to use. Can be bought at Dark Marsh.
Firebolt = Deals powerful damage to one unit. Can be bought in Cronus and learned at level 6. It is the only skill mages can learn on their own.
Aureola = Receive extra experience from monsters who are hit by this spell. Must be level 7 to use. Can be bought in Cronus.
Purification = Receive extra experience from monsters that are already dead proportional to their HP when they were alive. Must be level 7 to use. Can be bought in Cronus.
Traps = Create traps to increase your abilities. Must be level 7 to use. Can be bought in Cronus.
Rage = Greatly damage multiple enemies. Must be level 30 to use. Can be bought in ElvenCity.
Thunderbolt = Massively damage multiple enemies, but cannot be used as quickly. Must be level 30 to use. Can be bought in ElvenCity.
InfernoFire = Strongest mage XP skill. Does massive damage to multiple units. Must be level 60 to use. Can be bought at Gobi Desert.
By fadhil
To the left are the pictures of your eudemon.
On the right side is a scroll bar for scrolling to the next 4 eudemon. You can only carry 8 eudemon at a time. You can only summon/converge with 2 eudemon at a time.
To the left of the scroll bar are buttons that will allow you to summon, dismiss, and converge with your eudemons.
Eudemon Bag = Here is where you store eggs that you have found. You can also store eggs and eudemons with NPC’s in Cronus, ElvenCity, Gobi Desert, and Market.
Hatcher = Here is where you can hatch your eggs. It takes 1 hour of ingame time to hatch eggs in the hatcher. You can also take eggs to NPC’s in Cronus, ElvenCity, and Market. These NPC’s will hatch your egg in 24 hours, and you do not have to be online during that time.
By fadhil
PK Modes:
Peace Mode = This is the mode you start in upon login. You can only attack monsters.
Team Mode = You can attack anyone except teammates, legion members, and friends.
Capture Mode = You can attack monsters, flashing blue names, and black names.
PK Mode = You can attack anyone.
PK System:
The PK system is point-based.
0-20 points = white name
21-100 points = red name
>100 points = black name
Killing a eudemon = 10 points
Killing a white name player = 20 points
Killing a red name player = 10 points
Killing a black name player = 0 points
Your PK points decrease by 1 point per minute and 3 points per minute in jail. You lose 10 PK points when you are killed.
When you attack another player your name will flash blue for 30 seconds and guards will attack you.
White name players have about a 30% chance of dropping an item from their inventory. This chance applies to each item.
Red name players have a very high chance of dropping every item from their inventory.
Black name players will drop each item from their inventory and also have the possibility of dropping one or more equipped items, but will normally drop at least one.
By fadhil
Stones are used to make your equipment stronger.
RedStone = This is the rarest and most valuable stone. It will upgrade your equipment’s quality (A refined ShellBreakSword would be upgraded to a unique ShellBreakSword). Low success rate.
VioletStone = This stone will upgrade the level of your equipment (Ex: A level 71 ShellBreakSword would be upgraded to a level 75 SteelSword). Medium success rate.
YellowStone = This stone is used to endow a bonus to your equipment (A ShellBreakSword(+1) would be upgraded to a ShellBreakSword(+2)). 50% success rate. When unsuccessful with the yellowstone, the item will lose (-1) bonus unless the item is already at a bonus of 0.
Super RedStone = This stone will upgrade the quality of you equipment. 100% success rate. This stone can only be obtained from Joans at Market (73,106) by trading 20 RedStones for it.
Super VioletStone (yes it is the yellow one) = This stone will upgrade the level of your equipment. 100% success rate. This stone can only be obtained from Joans at Market (73,106) by trading 15 VioletStones for it.
Super YellowStone (yes it is the violet one) = This stone will endow a bonus to your +7 and +8 equipment (ShellBreakSword(+7) would be upgraded to ShellBreakSword(+8)). 100% success rate. This stone can only be obtained from Joans at Market (73,106) by trading 15 YellowStones for it.